Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


Enter equalizer specifications

  1. From the spec menu, select Devices > Equalizers > New Series.
  2. The New Equalizer Series dialog box opens.

  3. Enter a series Name and Mfg., manufacturer.
    Note: Maximum of 12 series with a maximum of 50 models each.
  4. Select the Type of equalizer: Fixed, Variable, Inline, or Cable Sim.
  5. Click Add.
  6. The Inline Equalizer dialog box opens.

    Note: Equalizer values are entered from low to high. Cable simulator values are entered from high to low.
  7. Enter a model Name, Part # and Cost.
  8. Select the Cell to represent this device for In Line equalizers.
  9. Enter Loss levels for each frequency for In Line equalizers.
  10. Enter High and Low frequency for the Fixed, Variable Cable Simulator.
  11. Click Add to save a new entry or Update to update an existing equalizer.
  12. To define additional equalizers, select New/Edit > New Model.